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MY APOLOGIZE:致各位重庆的奔友们

发表于 2008-8-4 13:32:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


     I must apologize for my last artical about the poor mountain../.vicious water../.tricky people../.benben and the hometown.  Now,let me explain the words for you .


      FIRST    "poor mountain "   :it refers to the Chongqing old city which is hard to overhaul and is easy to cause economical lose.

     SECOND   "vicious water"   :it refers to the Jialing river where floodwater often takes place and many Chongqing people died for these floods.

     THIRD     "tricky people"  :   it refers to the people who alway say big words and the 皮皮 is sending out.And the others who are howling terribly just like an onion.

     FOURTH    "benben"   :   it refers to the car which has many proplems that are difficult to fix and the car is still running.

     FIVETH    "hometown"  :  it refers to the car industry of Chongqing is one of the lopsided eggs of the car technology of   Japan.

     I ought to apologize for my dear friends from Chongqing who are using  benben like me by this chance.


     有关于我上次在本论坛发表的贴子中提到了-----穷山..恶水..刁民..奔奔..老家..进行道歉!!    本人现对以上词组做如下解释:  

     1 穷山:是指重庆山城,难以进行房屋修建,容易造成经济落后。

     2 恶水:是指嘉陵江经常发生洪水,容易造成重庆人民伤亡。

     3 刁民:是指那些说大话,冒皮皮,吼的凶一根葱的人。

     4 奔奔:是指经常出现小问题。反复维修都搞不好。还要鼓到奔。

     5 老家:是指重庆汽车工业是日本汽车技术下的畸形蛋。



发表于 2008-8-4 13:44:33 | 显示全部楼层



I doubt if your skull was cracked by the door. And your skull is full of shit. Please go out where you come
,don't lose face here,THKS


发表于 2008-8-4 13:46:04 | 显示全部楼层



I've had enough of your garbage,I'm so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap


You make me sick! Pease Get lost!thank you!!!!

发表于 2008-8-4 13:59:06 | 显示全部楼层
I must tell very solemn 000,333:
1 I do not accept your so-called apology, because you just do a few terminology, it is your own interpretation.
2 You may not Chongqing, the Chongqing simply do not understand, the more the construction of Chongqing do not understand. Chongqing is the mountain city, but Chongqing is not difficult to build housing and the economy in the southwestern region is second to none.
3 If Shui Taihua, take Pippi operator Diaomin, it may BJ and the CD Diaomin more than Chongqing.
4 things mechanical problems are normal, Jun Buxian and BMW have BENZ repair bad
5 Changan Automotive Group (hereinafter referred to Changan Group) is China's major auto production base, has 140 years long history of development, after nearly 100 years of development, has now developed into large group, with Chongqing Changan Automobile Co. Ltd., Hebei Chang'an Automobile Co., Ltd., Chongqing Changan Suzuki Automobile Co., Ltd., Nanjing, Chongqing Changan Automobile Co., Ltd., Hebei Changan Automobile Co., Ltd. victory, Changan Ford Automobile Co., Ltd., Changan across vehicles Company, the total assets of more than 10 billion yuan, and has become a major automobile production Base.
6 your last sentence: "I ought to apologize for my dear friends from Chongqing who are using benben like me by this chance" that you have Ben Ben, I doubt very much!
1 我不接受你的所谓道歉,因为你只是做了几个名词解释,而且是你自己的解释。
2 你可能不是重庆人,对重庆根本不了解,对重庆的建筑更不了解。重庆是山城,但重庆并不是难以进行房屋修建,而且经济在西南地区是首屈一指的。
3 如果说大话,冒皮皮算刁民的话,可能BJ和CD的刁民比重庆多。
4 机械的东西出问题是正常的,君不见BMW和BENZ都有修不好的?
5 长安汽车集团(以下简称长安集团)是我国重要的汽车生产基地,拥有140年悠久的发展历史,经过近百年的发展,目前已发展为大型集团公司,拥有重庆长安汽车股份有限公司、河北长安汽车有限公司,重庆长安铃木汽车有限公司、南京长安汽车有限公司、河北长安胜利汽车有限公司,长安福特汽车有限公司、长安跨越车辆有限公司等,总资产超过100亿人民币,成为我国重要的汽车生产基地。
6 你最后一句话:“I ought to apologize for my dear friends from Chongqing who are using  benben like me by this chance”中提到你有奔奔,我十分怀疑!
发表于 2008-8-4 14:18:38 | 显示全部楼层

原帖由 ★诺亚方舟★ 于 2008-8-4 13:59 发表 I must tell very solemn 000,333: 1 I do not accept your so-called apology, because you just do a few terminology, it is your own interpretation. 2 You may not Chongqing, the Chongqing simply do not un ...




发表于 2008-8-4 14:25:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-4 14:43:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-4 16:04:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-4 17:13:39 | 显示全部楼层
的确都是强人,我回复楼主一句:FUCK YOU
发表于 2008-8-4 17:22:41 | 显示全部楼层
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