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hangzhou massage21lhshzd

发表于 2009-9-21 15:15:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Relaxation Massage
A relaxation massage is exactly what the name implies: a massage strictly for the purposes of rest and relaxation. This massage technique is not designed for therapeutic effects or for dealing with chronic pain or discomfort.
During a session, the patient will remove most of their clothing and lie on a massage table, usually with some sort of thin sheet draped over the body. Usually a relaxation massage can be modified and tailored to your specific desires. The massage takes place in a quiet, comforting environment, with your choice of any music or candlelight in the background. The massage consists of the therapist applying gentle to medium pressure of the hands to the body, gently manipulating the tissue to promote relaxation. It is not a deep tissue massage. It is not designed for working the deeper muscles of the body, but just a gentle kneading and rubbing of the outer layers of the body tissue. It will cover a wide range of areas on the body including the back, legs, arms and neck.
Sometimes there is the option of adding some aromatherapy treatment to your massage therapy. High quality aromatherapy oils can heighten the holistic experience of the massage and allow for greater relaxation and restoration of one’s energy balance. Of course, unscented oil is also an option. The oil produces a more slippery surface for the therapist to work on, so there is no pulling of the skin. During the massage, the patient can remain quiet and simply explore their own personal thoughts in their head, or they can chat with the therapist if so desired. The session can be personalized to be exactly how you like it. Many live their stressful lives day to day without taking any time off just for them. Everyone deserves a well needed moment of relaxation and this massage is just the right technique for that. It will relax your mind and body, giving you a break from the stress of your life. The length of the massage will depend on how long you would like it to last. Typically the option is between half an hour and two hours in length. Massages are open to people of all ages, and some places even often couples massage, where the couple is massaged in the same room allowing them to share the experience together.
Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle style of massage designed to improve circulation, range of movement, relief minor muscle pain, and promote overall relaxation. Most people don’t take enough time off for themselves anymore. It’s about time you’ve pampered yourself with a relaxation massage! Clearly, in all of these cases, it is understandable that the massage therapist did not intend to cause harm to the client. Yet, despite the intention to be helpful, the suggestions, feedback and advice were inappropriate and out of the scope of a massage therapist’s practice. In each of the above situations, consider the following guidelines regarding scope of practice and appropriate professional behavior:
A massage therapist has no right to impose his/her own beliefs and judgments about whatever healing modalities a client decides to explore. It is never appropriate to tell a client not to follow the directions of a doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, or other primary care health provider. In the event that we are concerned about the judgment of another primary health care provider, we must tread very cautiously if we choose to present our views, taking care to emphasize that we have no authority or professional opinion in the matter and that our comments are based solely on our opinion. A massage therapist must never tell a client to start or stop taking medications, and recommending herbs is the same as prescribing medicine, which is out of a massage therapist’s scope of practice. No judgments should be made about the emotional or psychological status of a client and massage therapists should refrain from sharing their opinions unless they have professional training and qualifications to do so.
Discussion of religious beliefs or spiritual practices ought not be brought into the client/therapist relationship by the massage therapist. Such matters are highly personal and confidential. Moreover, If the conversation in a session is directed toward this, or any other aspect of your life, it is likely that your focus is in the wrong place. The most effective sessions are client-centered, not therapist-centered. The teaching of muscle strengthening exercises is not within the scope of practice of a massage therapist. Professionals such as physicians, chiropractors, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and personal trainers are qualified to do so. If a client would benefit from such measures, the safest and most ethical action would be to refer them to the professionals who are qualified to educate them properly. Advice-giving is a trap that is easy to fall into and difficult to get out of. Remember that, in general, when we share comments, opinions, helpful ideas, and judgments about any non-massage matters we are sharing “our stuff”, and we have most likely moved into unethical and perhaps illegal territory.
发表于 2009-9-21 15:26:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 楼主 的帖子

发表于 2009-9-21 19:07:08 | 显示全部楼层
:Q 方言不懂,请说普通话!!
发表于 2009-9-21 21:50:48 | 显示全部楼层
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@ :@
发表于 2010-7-6 17:22:23 | 显示全部楼层
:funk: 灌到满为止.......:D :D :D
发表于 2010-7-8 12:32:21 | 显示全部楼层
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