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Last Chaos龙魂-开始使用新特点

发表于 2009-6-29 12:58:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
This is just a brief guide to getting started with your new character. There is still a lot you must know, but this will get you started to having fun and going in the right direction.

After you have selected your character, you will appear in the Randol 1st level personal dungeon. You will fight the hordes of skeletons and monsters here. You first appear in a big room and as you approach the big doors they slowly open. From here, you go down a long hallway killing skeletons and other foes until you are in the next big room. After all the monsters have been vanquished in the hallway and the big room by your deadly weapon, you approach the big doors which open and you appear in the landing pad in Randol. Here is where the fun begins. FYI, when you come the second time, it is a LOT harder to kill the skeletons and other monsters there.
You have to do quests to get gold, extra xp, and skills. You press the letter W, to get the Juno map. Then put the cursor or pointer over the town and click. You now have a map of Randol. The Randol town map has the location and names of all the NPC characters you may interact with. What you want to do is to look for a BLUE "Q" which is where you go for your first quest. Now the personal dungeon, located in the south of Randol will have a BLUE "Q" on it, till you reach level 66 at which time it will disappear. If you go in the dungeon and get killed no xp or sp is lost and besides it is a lot of fun when you get bored with everything else.
If you look in the top right, locate Healer Yabo for your first quest. When you approach Healer Yabo, you notice that she has a blue glow. So whenever you see someone with this blue glow, you will click the character and talk, to see what quest they have for you. When you ever finish with a quest and go back to the map, a flashing purple "A" will show you where to go to finish the quest and collect your rewards. After you accept the first quest, Healer Yabo is still glowing. Sometimes, you may get more then one quest now. But click and accept quests, until the NPC character is glowing no more. If you reject a quest, then you can not come back later to get it and it is lost to you forever.
Also, if you have a quest and level out of the range of the quest, then it is automatically deleted from your quest list. The quest list is located at the bottom left of your screen. It looks like a scroll. Click this at anytime to see what quest you have to do in case you forget. Remember, to check out the Quest Guide to see when and where your next quest is. The only way I used to get them was by "Accidentally" passing a character with a quest. The game has changed where it is now mandatory that you have to look at the guide, because all of the sp farming and leveling are not close to the characters no more.
Up to level 10, if you die you do not lose experience points (xp) or skill points (sp). So starting at level 11, if you die you lose 5% of xp and some sp (usually minimal like 1 sp or so). As you gradually advance later, xp loss goes down to 3%, then down to 2%. Think of it as losing playing time. So how long does it take for you to get that 5% back and hopefully, that may give you incentive NOT to get killed. And at higher levels if you have a lot of sp, you will lose a lot but you will learn to either "bank" the sp or get your skills as you need them.
When you kill a monster, you get xp and sp and you may get gold, armor or weapon drops or an item drop. You can sell the level 5-7 armor weapons and any other drops back to the NPC character. But do not sell tool aids and heaven stones at any time. These you must save for future use. When you get to Level 10, then you are able to go in Merchant Mode. They now have the trader in which you can now put things in there on consignment. So check it out for your armor and stuff you need. Try to pack rat ALL ITEMS you get. In otherwords, if you do not need gold now, DO NOT SELL. You have to be patience. If you get level 10-20 items you may want to put them in for sale. But BEWARE. The 10 item you will be charged 10,000 gold pieces, not including the 5% fee for selling the item. So No use putting items say for 20,000 gold, as you will end up having only 9,000 gold profit. It is best to go in Merchant Mode. I used to sell my low level items in front of the armor and weapons trader at half of what they would see them for and always sold out. You can also see the items back to the NPC (Non-Playing Character) such as the Weapons Trader or any of the other merchants.
发表于 2009-6-30 08:46:27 | 显示全部楼层

当你选定的字符,您将出现在Randol第一级别的个人地牢。您将打击成群的骷髅和怪物这里。你第一次出现在一个大房间,因为你的做法,他们的大大门缓缓打开。从这里,你去了很长的走廊里杀害骨骼和其他敌人,直到您的下一个大房间。所有的怪物后,已被征服的走廊和大房间你的致命武器,你的做法大门打开,你会出现在停机坪在Randol 。在这里开始的乐趣。仅供参考,当你第二次,这是一个困难许多杀死骨骼和其他怪物存在。
您需要做的任务获得金,额外的XP和技能。您按下信钨获得朱诺地图。然后把光标或指针镇上空,然后按一下。你现在有一个地图Randol 。该Randol城市地图的位置和名称的所有全国人大字符您可以互动。你想要做的是寻找一个蓝色的“ Q ”字是由你去的第一追求。现在的个人地牢,位于南部的Randol将有一个蓝色的“ Q ”字上,直到您达到一级66届时将消失。如果你在地牢并没有XP中死亡或SP丢失除了它是一个很有趣当你厌倦了一切。
如果你看看右上角,找到治愈亚波的第一追求。当你的办法治愈亚波,就会发现她有一个蓝色辉光。因此,一旦您看到有人用这种蓝色发光,您将点击的性质和交谈,看看他们的追求你。当您完成了有史以来的追求和回到地图,一个闪动的紫色的“ A ”将显示您去什么地方完成的追求和收集您的奖励。在您接受的第一追求,医治亚波仍然发光。有时,您可能会获得更多然后一个追求现在。但是,单击并接受任务,到全国人民代表大会的性质是不发光。如果你拒绝的追求,那么你可以不回来后得到它,它是永远失去了你。
高达10级,如果你死了你不会失去经验值( XP )或技能点( SP法) 。因此, 11级开始,如果你死了你失去5 %的XP和一些藻(通常是最小的1 SP或像这样) 。正如你逐步推进后, XP的损失下降到3 % ,然后下降到2 % 。认为这是失去的上场时间。因此,需要多久时间为您获得这5 %的回,但愿,这可能给你奖励不要杀害。和更高层次如果你有很多的SP ,您将失去很多,但您将学习或者“银行”的SP或让您的技能,你需要他们。
当你杀死一个怪物,你就会得到XP和SP和您可能会收到黄金,装甲或武器下降或下降的项目。您可以出售一级5-7装甲武器和任何其他滴回到人大的性质。但不出售工具艾滋病和天堂宝石在任何时候。这些你必须保存以供将来使用。当您到达10级,那么你可以去商家模式。他们现在的交易中,您现在可以将有问题的东西托运。因此,看看您的装甲和你需要的东西。尝试包大鼠所有物品你。在otherwords ,如果您不需要黄金,现在不卖。你必须要耐心等待。如果你的水平10月20日项目您可能想要将他们出售。但要小心了。你的10个项目将收取10,000金币,其中不包括5 %的销售费用的项目。因此,没有把项目使用的20,000金说,因为你最终将只有9000黄金的利润。最好是去商家模式。我用我的销售水平低的项目前面的盔甲和武器交易的一半,他们将看到他们总是销售一空。您也可以看到这些项目回到全国人大(不下场参赛的字符) ,如武器交易或任何其他商家
发表于 2009-7-17 10:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
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